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Department of Mathematics

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About the department

Mathematics is the backbone of engineering studies of all disciplines, by providing the foundation in mathematics that is crucial to the education of engineering students .The department of mathematics came into existence in the year 2011, it offers Mathematics courses for all engineering students. At present the department has six committed faculty members, among them one with post doctoral degree and three faculties are pursuing for Ph.D. Around thirty research papers have been published in reputed national and international journals. The department continuously reviews and monitors the curriculum of its academic programs.


By providing the fundamental knowledge of mathematics to engineering students, We strive hard to impart quality education and thereby improve professional and ethical values.


M1: To inculcate value based education and fundamental training in the field of basic sciences and engineering science.

M1:To encourage the students to improve the intrinsic value and enable them to contribute to the overall development of the scientific and technical education.

M1:To encourage analytical and rational thinking capability and there by improve the problem solving skills of the student.


Sl No Course Code View
1 18MAT11 & 18MAT21 Click here to view
1 BMATS101 & BMATM201 Click here to view

News and Updates

5 Days Certification on Power BI Data Analytics Tool For 1st Year MBA Students.
Department of MBA in Association with Training and Placement Cell organising 5 days Certification on POWER BI Data analytics tool for 1st year MBA students. POWER BI is a powerful data analytics platform that helps students understand and visualize data effectively. It enables them to create interactive dashboards, analyze trends, and make data-driven decisions, which are essential skills for managerial roles. Power BI simplifies complex data, allowing students to present insights clearly and professionally, preparing them for real-world business challenges. Certification starts from 27th Janu

Date: 2025-01-25

“Agadi Thota Visit: A Unique Learning Experience in the Lap of Nature”
The Department of MBA is organising one-day outbound learning visit to Agadi Thota for 1st and 2nd year students on 24/01/2025. Outbound learning programs like “Agadi Thota” go beyond traditional classroom teaching by providing experiential learning that enhances adaptability, creativity, and decision-making in dynamic environments. Students also gain valuable insights into rural entrepreneurship, sustainability, and resource management, broadening their understanding of diverse business ecosystems. Furthermore, such programs foster collaboration, improve interpersonal relationships, and b

Date: 2025-01-23

Final Year students of Department of MBA organised “SWAGATH 14.0-2024”,fresher’s day for 1st year MBA students.The chief guest of this event Dr.Manjappa Sarathi, Advisor, JIT addressed the students and Dr.Ganesh D B ,Principal and Director, JIT gave presidential inputs and motivated the students, Dr.Prakash M Walavalkar, Dean Training and Placement and Dr Suhas .D, Associate Professor and HOD, Department of MBA addressed the students regarding soft skills ,and followed by informal event took place.

Date: 2025-01-11

Dr. Sadanand N Patil

Professor and HoD,
Department of Mathematics
Jain Institute of Technology, Davangere