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JIT Alumni Association (R)

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JIT Alumni Association (R)

The objectives of the Association shall be:

To strengthen the professional bonds between JIT, its alumni and the industry.

To plan, organize and encourage various value adding activities for its members such as professional lectures, training programs, conferences, seminars, etc.

To publish journals,newsletters, books and other professional materials for circulation among its members.

To assist the faculty and students of JIT in various value-adding activities like curriculum development sponsored research projects, case study development,student internships and placements.

To assist the students by extending loan scholarship.

To conduct Alumni-Students Knowledge Exchange Programs [ASKEP].

To raise funds for the development of JIT and JITAA.

To extend possible Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) service to the local community.

To encourage formation of Chapters of the JIT in cities/states of India and in other countries.

To organize fellowship meetings, workshop, and symposia and arrange for lectures,exhibitions, sport events etc., for the benefit of the alumni.

Executive Committee of the Association
1 Dr.Ganesh D B President
2 Shivaraj S Vice-President
3 Dr.Nataraja G. Secretary
4 Anusha T S Joint Secretary
5 Praveen Anaji Treasurer
6 Faraz Abdulla J Director
7 Balaji M P N Director
8 Vinay K V Director
9 Aishwarya Rani M T Director
10 Sindhu B Jigali Director
11 Rakshith S Director
12 Rakesh Kumar H H Director
13 Niveditha K M Director
14 Pooja P R Director

Alumni Coordinators
Sl No. Name of the Faculty Department
1. Prof. Harisha K S CV
2. Prof Madhu H T ME
3. Dr. Marulasiddappa H B EE
4. Dr.Ravi Rayappa ECE
5. Prof. Shafiulla Shariff CSE
6. Prof. Divya M C MBA

Alumni Meet Report
Sl No. Document Name View
1. Alumni Meet Report Click here to view
Glimpses Alumni Meet


Dr. Nataraja G
Secretary, JITAA
Jain Institute of Technology, Davangere

News and Updates

5 Days Certification on Power BI Data Analytics Tool For 1st Year MBA Students.
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“Agadi Thota Visit: A Unique Learning Experience in the Lap of Nature”
The Department of MBA is organising one-day outbound learning visit to Agadi Thota for 1st and 2nd year students on 24/01/2025. Outbound learning programs like “Agadi Thota” go beyond traditional classroom teaching by providing experiential learning that enhances adaptability, creativity, and decision-making in dynamic environments. Students also gain valuable insights into rural entrepreneurship, sustainability, and resource management, broadening their understanding of diverse business ecosystems. Furthermore, such programs foster collaboration, improve interpersonal relationships, and b

Date: 2025-01-23

Final Year students of Department of MBA organised “SWAGATH 14.0-2024”,fresher’s day for 1st year MBA students.The chief guest of this event Dr.Manjappa Sarathi, Advisor, JIT addressed the students and Dr.Ganesh D B ,Principal and Director, JIT gave presidential inputs and motivated the students, Dr.Prakash M Walavalkar, Dean Training and Placement and Dr Suhas .D, Associate Professor and HOD, Department of MBA addressed the students regarding soft skills ,and followed by informal event took place.

Date: 2025-01-11